Finding Properties

Property suitable for community-led housing in Argyle Street, Birkenhead

Protecting our built heritage

Do you know of a disused building in your area that might be better used if a bit of money was spent on repairing it and bringing it up to scratch?

That’s the objective of community led housing projects, to bring older buildings back into use by making them suitable to live in.

If you know of any buildings that might fit the bill please let us know where it is. A quick and easy way to do this is to use Google Maps on a smartphone (See below)

    If you have a picture to upload, use the link below.
    The file must be less than 2Mb, and we can only accept
    jpg, png and webm formats

    If you wish you can check out our privacy policy (opens in separate tab) before sending.

    Note re Google Maps: If you are at the site, Open Google Maps on your phone. Click on the blue ‘blob’ with shading on one side of it (which should be at your current location). Then at the bottom of the screen, click on Share (you may need to scroll sideways to see the Share button. You can now copy the Google link to the clipboard and paste it into your message using the form above.