70 Argyle Street

70 Argyle Street

70 Argyle Street, northerly elevation

70 Argyle Street, southerly elevation

There is a chance to restore this building in  Hamilton Square  Area and create lower cost community led housing.  The building was designed  by locally renowned architect, Walter Scott. It is an architectural link between this conservation area and the nearby Clifton Park Conservation Area, where you can still see some of Scott’s finest work.

There are two commercial leases on the ground floor. These would provide an additional income.

We want to look at how the area around this building could be brought back to life and be a  gateway into the conservation area, as shown in the artist’s impressions below. This is in line with the council’s intentions for the area.

Hamilton Gateway visualisation, incorporating development of former freight line trackbed

Hamilton Gateway regeneration area as possible site for future street car stop linking the area with Rock Ferry Station and Wirral Waters.